Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More on Gaming TV

The Ultimate Gaming authority is all set to blaze new trails on Television!

Hosted by SAM YG and Denise Laurel, MOG TV follows a gaming and technology based format to cater to the ever-expanding gaming community.

The techy show that features the hottest online games in the industry and the latest console games, gadgets and events.

With an impressive and extensive line-up of segments, MOG TV guarantees to satisfy your inner geek!

PLUS in-show promos and we’re giving away lots of in-game items from your favorite online games!

Watch MOG TV at TV5 every Friday 11:30 PM starting July 24!


My TimeLine

IP E-Games Community Game Master


I had a dream that no one else could have

And I threw away everything that I didn't need

Thoughts that I can't surrender dwell in my chest

Even if I'm still in the rift between reality and ideals

And my feet are bound by hackles of sacrifice

My overflowing impulses aren't fully repressed

Because I have a heart that yearns powerfully.

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